Saturday, January 31, 2015

Friday, January 30, 2015

T1P1 - more movement

T1P1 - more movement

Billy makes a D2 right bend.

Holding for Rene...

T1P1 - movement

Jeff defers.
Randy makes a D2 right bend.
Anthony makes a D2 left bend.

Holding for Billy to move or defer to Rene...

Thursday, January 29, 2015

T1P0 - speed

T1P0 - speed

Roger starts at 20
Rene, Randy and Anthony chose to start at 30
Jeff & Billy made no reply so they start at 30

Jeff has a reflex of 6 and can choose to move or defer to Randy...

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Reflex Rolls

Forgot to roll for reflexes...

Roger 3-1 = 2
Rene 2
Randy 5 (plus 1 to HC)
Anthony 4
Jeff 4 +2 = 6 (plus 2 to HC)
Billy 3

For those that have a bonus to HC, that is base HC boost, but does NOT increase your recovery each turn. The only increase to recovery is from Driver Skill.

Gates and Walkarounds

Gates were assigned randomly. Following are the gate numbers as well as the walkarounds. If you see an error please let me know immediately. If you would like to add a vehicle or crew name let me know.

Each update will include updated walkarounds (as weapons are revealed, armor is breached, etc.).

Gate 1 - Roger BW - Dolichognatha - Compact, Electric PP, Driver Only, Energy Weapon front, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back

Gate 2 - Rene - Leonato VII - Mid-Sized, Electric PP, Driver and Gunner, 2 Rockets Front, Dropped Liquid Back, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back

Gate 3 - Randy - LiaTriNet - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver Only (Tovan), 2 Small Bore Front, Small Bore in Turret, Dropped Liquid Back, 4 tires, Guards Back

Gate 4 - Anthony - Hammer - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver and Gunner, Small Bore in Turret, 2 Small Bore Front, Dropped Gas Back, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back

Gate 5 - Jeff - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver and Gunner, 3 Rockets Front, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back

Gate 6 - Billy - The Worm - Luxury, Driver and Gunner, 2 Small Bore Front, Small Bore Left, Small Bore Right, Dropped Solid Back, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back

Here's a shot of the dice I carry with me, in case you're interested. They are part of a pack of dice I bought at a Barnes & Noble on clearance. 75 cents for eight of them, I think. They are Fantasy Flight and I bought them when I was looking for X-Wing stuff but before I learned about Edge of the Empire. :-)

And here's the starting map - 

Turn 1 Phase 0 - starting speed

You can choose any speed up to 30 mph - now starting a 24 hour clock for this.

Good luck to all! Most of all, have fun! :-)

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

the almost there update

This is the official "almost there" update. :-)

I now have ALL the designs. I'm about to roll for gates and post walkarounds, then we shall begin! Good luck to all and most of all I hope you have fun!

Here's the map, for those that need a reminder -

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

update on status

Official update -

Roger BW - ready
Rene Louviere - ready
Jeff Rakow - ready
Billy H - ready
Anthony Zerbe  - ready
Randy Balduff - waiting for design

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Back from Delay

I just sent an email to the players and spectators with a full update.

For the sake of the public notice, this is to serve as notice that I AM getting back to this event and will have it up and running ASAP...

I'm still waiting on designs and finalizing the map, but have committed to getting back on this NOW - it's been offline for way too long... :-)