Saturday, February 28, 2015

T3P1 - movement concluded

T3P1 - movement concluded

Roger makes a D3 drift right


Also - I caught an error I made... Billy's Driver had turned the Spike Dropper on auto and I forgot to have him drop one in Phase 5 movement - if this would have changed something you did for speed and/or movement in Phase 1 let me know...

Holding for...


Friday, February 27, 2015

T3P1 - more movement

T3P1 - more movement

Billy makes a D5 left bend. He drops to -6 HC and needs a 4 to keep control. He rolls a 2 and goes to Crash Table 1. He rolls a 3 1, +2 difficulty = 6. A vector arrow is placed and he will perform a moderate skid. He gets -6 to hit for the rest of the turn.

Jeff makes a D1 left bend.

Holding for Roger's movement...

T3P1 - Randy's movement

T3P1 - Randy's movement

Randy moves straight

Holding for Billy's movement

Thursday, February 26, 2015

T3P1 - movement continues

T3P1 - movement continues

Rene makes no reply and moves straight

Holding for Randy's movement

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

T3P1 - Speed

T3P1 - Speed

Jeff slows to 30
Randy accelerates to 40
Anthony accelerates to 40
Billy makes no reply and maintains 35
Rene accelerates to 40
Roger accelerates to 30


Randy defers
Anthony moves straight

Holding for Rene's movement...

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

T2P5 - Combat

T2P5 - Combat

Roger fires his Laser at Billy again. He needed a 5 to hit and hit on a 4 2 for 2 4 4 damage. Debris is dropped.

Billy needs a 4 to keep control and rolls a 5.

End of Turn

No chance of fire

Turn 3 Phase 1

Holding for speed from...


Monday, February 23, 2015

T2P5 - movement concluded

T2P5 - movement concluded

Jeff makes a D5 right bend
Roger moves straight 1/2"


Holding for...

Billy's Gunner

Sunday, February 22, 2015

T2P5 - movement almost complete

T2P5 - movement almost complete

Rene moves straight

Holding for Jeff's movement

Friday, February 20, 2015

T2P5 - more movement

T2P5 - more movement

Billy moves straight

Holding for Rene's movement...

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

T2P5 - Movement begins

T2P5 - Movement begins

Jeff defers
Randy makes a D2 left bend.
Anthony moves straight.

Holding for Billy to move or defer...

T2P3 - Combat

T2P3 - Combat


(no reply from Billy)

Turn 2 Phase 4

Holding for Jeff to move or defer

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

T2P3 - Combat

T2P3 - Combat

Jeff's Gunner fires the front three linked RL's at Billy. He needs a 6 to hit. First hits on a 5 2 for 6 4 damage. Second hits on a 6 5 for 3 4 damage. Third hits on a 6 4 for 6 4 damage.

Billy's right side is hit with all three - armor is NOT breached. An obstacle is created and he takes a D3 haz. He needs a 4 to keep control - safe on a 5.

Billy's Driver triggers the Spike Dropper, causing a spike counter.

Turn 2 Phase 4


Holding for...

Billy's Gunner

Gate 1 - Roger BW - Dolichognatha - Compact, Electric PP, Driver Only, Laser front, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back, +2 Computer, +1 Gunner

Gate 2 - Rene - Leonato VII - Mid-Sized, Electric PP, Driver Only, 2 Rockets Front, Dropped Liquid Back, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back

Gate 3 - Randy - LiaTriNet - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver Only (Tovan), 2 Small Bore Front, Small Bore in Turret, Dropped Liquid Back, 4 tires, Guards Back

Gate 4 - Anthony - Hammer - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver and Gunner, Small Bore in Turret, 2 Small Bore Front, Dropped Gas Back, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back

Gate 5 - Jeff - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver and Gunner, 3 Rocket Launchers Front, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back

Gate 6 - Billy - The Worm - Luxury, Driver and Gunner, 2 Small Bore Front, Small Bore Left, Small Bore Right, Spike Dropper Back, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back, Plastic armor

Monday, February 16, 2015

T2P3 - movement concluded

T2P3 - movement concluded

Roger makes a D1 drift right


Holding for...


T2P3 - movement continues

T2P3 - movement continues

Jeff makes a D1 right bend

Holding for movement from Roger...

T2P3 - more movement

T2P3 - more movement

Billy makes a D2 left bend. He needs a 2 to keep control and rolls a 6.
Rene moves straight.

Holding for Jeff's movement...

Saturday, February 14, 2015

T2P3 - movement begins

T2P3 - movement begins

Jeff defers
Randy makes a D1 left bend
Anthony makes a D1 left bend

Holding for Billy to move or defer...

T2P2 - Combat

T2P2 - Combat

Turn 2 Phase 3

Holding for Jeff to move or defer...

Friday, February 13, 2015

T2P1 - Combat

T2P1 - Combat


no reply from Rene

Turn 2 Phase 2

Jeff moves 1/2" straight
Randy moves 1/2" straight
Anthony moves 1/2" straight
Billy moves 1/2" straight
Rene moves 1/2" straight


Holding for...


Wednesday, February 11, 2015

T2P1 - movement concluded

T2P1 - movement concluded

Roger moves straight


Holding for each of you...

T2P1 - more movement

T2P1 - more movement

Rene makes a D3 drift left
Jeff moves straight

Holding for Roger's movement...

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

T2P1 - Billy's movement

T2P1 - Billy's movement

Billy makes a D1 drift right

Holding for Rene's movement

T2P1 - movement begins

T2P1 - movement begins

Jeff defers
Randy moves straight
Anthony makes a D1 left bend

Holding for Billy to move or defer...

Monday, February 9, 2015

T2P1 - Speed

T2P1 - Speed

Jeff accelerates to 35
Randy accelerates to 35
Anthony accelerates to 35
Billy accelerates to 35
Rene accelerates to 35
Roger accelerates to 25

Holding for Jeff to move or defer...

T1P1 - Combat

T1P1 - Combat


Turn 1 - End of Turn
Billy has a burn mod of 1 - no chance of fire

HC is recovered

Turn 2 Phase 1

Holding for...


Saturday, February 7, 2015

T1P5 - movement concluded

T1P5 - movement concluded

Rene makes a D2 left bend
Jeff moves straight


Holding for...


T1P5 - movement - Billy

T1P5 - movement - Billy

Billy moves straight

Holding for Rene's movement...

T1P5 - some movement

T1P5 - some movement

Randy moves straight
Anthony makes a D2 left bend

Holding for Billy to move or defer...

T1P5 - movement begins

First - a correction - I had a typo in my last update. The burn mod is 1 and the duration is zero, not 1.

T1P5 - movement begins

Jeff defers

Holding for Randy...

Friday, February 6, 2015

T1P4 - Combat

T1P4 - Combat
Roger fires his Laser front at Billy. Range is -3, speed is -1, +2 computer and +1 skill - 7 to hit, 5 2 hit! Damage is 3D - 5 3 1. Billy's left side is hit for 9 points to his plastic armor, taking a burn mod of 1 with a duration of 1. Billy also takes a D2 hazard.

Turn 1 Phase 5

Holding for Jeff to move or defer...

Gate 1 - Roger BW - Dolichognatha - Compact, Electric PP, Driver Only, Laser front, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back, +2 Computer, +1 Gunner

Gate 2 - Rene - Leonato VII - Mid-Sized, Electric PP, Driver Only, 2 Rockets Front, Dropped Liquid Back, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back

Gate 3 - Randy - LiaTriNet - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver Only (Tovan), 2 Small Bore Front, Small Bore in Turret, Dropped Liquid Back, 4 tires, Guards Back

Gate 4 - Anthony - Hammer - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver and Gunner, Small Bore in Turret, 2 Small Bore Front, Dropped Gas Back, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back

Gate 5 - Jeff - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver and Gunner, 3 Rockets Front, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back

Gate 6 - Billy - The Worm - Luxury, Driver and Gunner, 2 Small Bore Front, Small Bore Left, Small Bore Right, Dropped Solid Back, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back, Plastic armor

T1P3 - combat

T1P3 - combat
None (no reply from Roger)

Turn 1 Phase 4

Turn 1 Phase 4

Holding for all except Anthony

Thursday, February 5, 2015

T1P3 - movement concluded

T1P3 - movement concluded

Roger moves straight


Holding for all but Jeff...

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

T1P3 - more movement

T1P3 - more movement

Rene moves straight
Jeff moves straight

Holding for Roger...

T1P3 - movement - Billy

T1P3 - movement - Billy

Billy makes a D1 right bend

Holding for Rene's movement...

T1P3 - movement Anthony

T1P3 - movement Anthony

Anthony moves straight

Holding for Billy to move or defer

T1P3 - Movement Randy

T1P3 - Movement Randy

Randy makes a D5 left bend.

Holding for Anthony to move or defer...

T1P3 - movement deferred

T1P3 - movement deferred

Jeff defers movement.

Holding for Randy to move or defer...

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

T1P2 - Combat

T1P2 - Combat

also - second no reply from Billy & Rene

Turn 1 Phase 3

Holding for Jeff to move or defer...

Monday, February 2, 2015

T1P1 - Combat

T1P1 - Combat

Note there was no reply from Jeff, Billy or Rene.

Turn 1 Phase 2


Holding for everyone except Randy...

Sunday, February 1, 2015

T1P1 - movement concluded

T1P1 - movement concluded

Roger makes a D1 right bend


Holding for everyone...

T1P1 - Jeff's movement

T1P1 - Jeff's movement

Jeff makes a D4 left bend

Holding for Roger