Tuesday, March 31, 2015

T5P2 - Combat

Steve Jackson Games

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

T5P2 - Combat

Anthony's Gunner fires all three RR's at Roger's left side. He needs a 4 to hit. Top hits on a 3 6 for 4 2 damage. Metal absorbs some and plastic takes damage as well. Front RR hits on a 6 2 for 6 1 damage. Metal absorbs some and is reduced by 1 - plastic takes damage too. Other front RR hits on a 2 2 for 6 4 damage. Again, metal absorbs and is reduced and plastic takes damage too.

Roger drops an obstacle and needs a 3 to keep control. Safe on a 5.

Turn 5 Phase 3

Holding for Rene

Monday, March 30, 2015

T5P2 - movement concluded

Steve Jackson Games

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

T5P2 - movement concluded

Jeff moves straight
Anthony moves straight 1/2"


Holding for Jeff...

T5P2 - Rene's Movement

Steve Jackson Games

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

T5P2 - Rene's Movement

Jeff defers
Rene makes a D2 right bend

Holding for Jeff

T5P2 - Speed

Steve Jackson Games

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

T5P2 - Speed

Rene maintains 40
Roger slows to 20
Billy accelerates to 25


Holding for Jeff to move or defer...

Sunday, March 29, 2015

T5P1 - Combat

Steve Jackson Games

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

T5P1 - Combat
Roger fires his Laser at Athony's turret, needing a 9 to hit. He misses on a 5 3

Randy makes no reply
Billy makes no reply and drops a Spike counter

Turn 5 Phase 2

Holding for possible speed change from Roger & Billy...

Saturday, March 28, 2015

T5P1 - movement concluded

Steve Jackson Games

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

T5P1 - movement concluded

Jeff makes a D2 right bend
Anthony makes a D2 right bend and needs a 2 to keep control - 2
Roger fishtails 15 deg CW then makes a D1 left bend
Billy skids 1/4" then moves straight 3/4"
Randy moves straight backward


I need instructions from everyone EXCEPT Rene

T5P1 - Rene's Movement

Steve Jackson Games

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

T5P1 - Rene's Movement

Rene makes a D2 right bend

Holding for Jeff...

Also - in case you are wondering (I've had a couple of questions from spectators), the reason the "copyright notice" is now in the emails is because it is on the blog post, and the emails are just copied and pasted from the blog post. I'm just trying to be 100% legal and transparent with the "fair use" of Steve Jackson Games' IP.

Friday, March 27, 2015

T5P1 - Jeff Defers

Steve Jackson Games

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

Turn 5 Phase 1

Jeff defers

Holding for movement from Rene...

T5P1 - Speed

Steve Jackson Games

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

T5P1 - Speed
Anthony slows to 35
Rene maintains 40
Jeff accelerates to 40
Roger maintains 30
Randy slows to R10
Billy maintains 20


Holding for Jeff to move or defer...

Thursday, March 26, 2015

T4P5 - Combat

Car Wars is a registered trademark of Steve Jackson Games, and the art here is copyrighted by Steve Jackson Games. All rights are reserved by SJ Games. This material is used here in accordance with the SJ Games online policy.

 Steve Jackson Games

T4P5 - Combat

Anthony fires hit Turreted RR and both Front RR's at Roger. He needs an 11 and misses with a 2 3, 3 5 and 3 2.
Rene makes no reply and no action.
Billy drops Spikes and his left MG fires on auto. It is at PB range to Roger's left so it needs a 5 to hit. He rolls a 2 5 and rolls 4 points of damage. Metal armor stops some of it and the plastic underneath takes some damage too.
Roger needs a 2 to keep control and rolls a 1. CT2 - 1 5 -1 speed & -2 diff = 3, 15 deg fishtail (odd CW: 3) clockwise.

End of Turn
No chance of Fire

Turn 5 Phase 1
Randy attempts to recover from spinout - he needs a 3 and rolls a 3. He is moving in reverse at 25 mph.

I need speed from...


Gate 1 - Roger BW - Dolichognatha - Compact, Electric PP, Driver Only, Laser front, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back, +2 Computer, +1 Gunner, Metal over Plastic left side

Gate 2 - Rene - Leonato VII - Mid-Sized, Electric PP, Driver Only, 2 Rockets Front, Dropped Liquid Back, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back

Gate 3 - Randy - LiaTriNet - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver Only (Tovan), 2 Small Bore Front, Small Bore in Turret, Dropped Liquid Back, 4 tires, Guards Back

Gate 4 - Anthony - Hammer - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver and Gunner, RR in Turret, 2 RR Front, Dropped Gas Back, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back

Gate 5 - Jeff - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver and Gunner, 3 Rocket Launchers Front, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back

Gate 6 - Billy - The Worm - Luxury, Driver and Gunner (Gunner Dead), 2 Small Bore Front, MG Left, Small Bore Right (destroyed), Spike Dropper Back, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back, Plastic armor, Right side armor breached

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

T4P5 - movement concluded

T4P5 - movement concluded

Roger moves straight
Billy fishtails 15 degrees clockwise, then skids 3/4". He slows to 20 and takes 1 point of damage to each tire, then moves straight 1/4". He's still out of control.
Randy is spinning and simply skids 1/2".


Holding for...


T4P5 - Jeff's Movement

T4P5 - Jeff's Movement

Jeff makes a D2 right bend.

Holding for Roger's movement

Monday, March 23, 2015

T4P5 - Rene's Movement

T4P5 - Rene's Movement

Rene makes a D1 right bend.

Holding for movement from Jeff...

Sunday, March 22, 2015

T4P4 - Combat

T4P4 - Combat

Turn 4 Phase 5
Rene maintains 40
Roger maintains 30


Anthony makes a D4 right bend. He needs a 3 to keep control and rolls a 3.

Holding for Rene's movement...

Saturday, March 21, 2015

T4P4 - Speed

Hey fellas - had a GREAT couple of days in Nashville in our last minute "get out of Dodge" mission... Had a couple of songwriters invite us to swing by during a writing session Thursday night. Intended to say "hello" and get out of the way. Ended up staying and chatting with the two owners as well as Aria Summer (actress who's now songwriting) and then got invited to sit in on my friend's session. Three hours later and we had a song! Felt blessed to be allowed to stay and was THE MOST FUN co-writing session I've ever had!

T4P4 - Speed
Rene makes no reply so he maintains 40
Roger maintains 30

Anthony moves straight 1/2"


Holding for...


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

T4P3 - Combat

T4P3 - Combat
Roger fires his front Laser at Billy. He needs a 2 to hit his left side and hits on a 1 5. Damge is 1 4 6. Debris is dropped and Billy takes a hazard. He needs a 4 to keep control and rolls a 2. He rolls a 6 5 on Crash Table 2, -1 for speed = 10 - minor fishtail & re-roll on Table 1. Odd the fishtail is CW, even it's CCW - 5. CT1 - 1 5 -1 = 5, moderate skid.
Billy's Driver fires twin VMG's front at Roger. He needs a 9 to hit. First one hits on a 5 5 for 6 4 damage to Roger's front left tire. The guard is bypassed on a 6. The second VMG misses on a 2 5. Debris is dropped and Roger takes a hazard.
Billy drops Spikes.

Turn 4 Phase 4

Holding for possible speed change from Rene...

Monday, March 16, 2015

T4P3 - movement concluded

T4P3 - movement concluded

Roger moves straight
Billy attempts a D1 left bend and needs a 4 or better to keep control - safe on a 5
Randy continues to spin


Holding for...


T4P3 - Jeff's movement

T4P3 - Jeff's movement

Jeff moves straight

Holding for Roger's movement...

Sunday, March 15, 2015

T4P3 - Rene's movement

T4P3 - Rene's movement
Rene moves straight

Holding for movement from Jeff...

Saturday, March 14, 2015

T4P3 - Speed

T4P3 - Speed
Rene maintains 40
Roger maintains 30

Anthony moves straight

Holding for movement from Rene...

T4P2 - Combat

T4P2 - Combat

No reply from Billy or Randy

Turn 3 Phase 3

Holding for speed from Rene...

Friday, March 13, 2015

T4P1 - movement correction

T4P1 - movement correction

Jeff hit the spikes but did NOT lose a tire...

There was a previous correction that meant this is the first time he has hit spikes but I failed to "un do" the tire damage from before.

So he hit them for the damage mentioned, but did NOT lose a tire.

T4P1 - Combat

T4P1 - Combat
no action from anyone - no reply from Billy
Billy drops Spikes

Turn 4 Phase 2
Rene maintains 40
Roger maintains 30

Anthony moves straight
Rene makes a D1 drift left
Jeff moves straight 1/2" - he hits the spikes on a 1 or 2 - rolls a 1. Tire damage is 6 to front left, destroying the tire; 1 to front right and 3 to each back tire. His HC & recovery drop by 2 and he goes to HC -6, needing a 4 to keep control. He is safe on a 6.


Holding for all six of you...

Thursday, March 12, 2015

T4P1 - movement concluded

T4P1 - movement concluded

Roger makes a D1 drift right and "evens out" with the grid lines.
Billy makes a D1 bend left, needing a 2 to keep control. He rolls a 6.


Randy can not take an aimed action.

Holding for all of you...

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

T4P1 Movement continues

T4P1 Movement continues

Randy attempts a D3 right bend. He needs a 5 to keep control and rolls a 1. He rolls a 5 4 +1 speed = spinout. He moves straight and turns clockwise. He slows to 25 and takes 5 5 6 3 tire damage (FL FR BL BR).
Rene makes a D3 left bend.
Jeff makes a D4 right bend. Hit spikes on 1-2 and rolls a 3.

Holding for Roger and Billy - they will move at the same time...

Monday, March 9, 2015

T4P1 Speed

T4P1 Speed
Randy accelerates to 45
Anthony accelerates to 45
Rene maintains 40
Jeff accelerates to 35
Roger maintains 30
Billy accelerates to 30

Randy defers
Anthony moves straight

Holding for Randy's movement...

Sunday, March 8, 2015

T3P5 Combat

T3P5 Combat

Billy drops Spikes

End of Turn

No chance of Fire

Turn 4 Phase 1

Holding for...


T3P5 - movement concluded

First - no update yesterday... Went to a friend's house and played X-Wing ALL day! Great day! Left there and got to the dance with JUST enough time to plug in and tune... :-)

T3P5 - movement concluded

Jeff makes a D3 drift right. He moves within 1/4" of the spikes and will hit them on a 1-2 - rolls a 3
Billy skids 1/4" then moves straight 1/4"


Holding for possible combat from Randy...

Friday, March 6, 2015


In phase 3, Billy should have dropped Spikes.

Thanks again, Jeff, for keeping me honest. :-)

Still holding for Jeff...

T3P5 - 30 mph movement

T3P5 - 30 mph movement

Jeff defers
Roger makes a D1 left bend

Holding for Jeff's movement

T3P5 Randy's movement

T3P5 Randy's movement

Randy moves straight

Holding for Jeff to move or defer to Roger...

T3P5 Rene's Movement

T3P5 Rene's Movement

Rene moves straight

Holding for Randy's movement

(will then be holding for Jeff to move or defer and then Roger)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

T3P3 Combat

T3P3 Combat

Billy triggers his left MG - it fires "straight out"

Turn 3 Phase 4
Billy is OOC and maintains 25



Turn 3 Phase 5
Billy is OOC and maintains 25

Randy defers
Anthony makes a D1 drift left

Holding for Rene...

BIG correction

I have two specific errors...

First, Jeff pointed out that his D1 left I had noted was for Phase 1 and that he had not submitted for Phase 3. I keep a text file with all the notes (future things people have turned in, as well as a FULL record of every die roll and result).

He also asked if Billy's Gunner was dead too, which made me look back at Billy's sheet. For some reason I skipped the Gunner when assigning damage to the inside. It was the GUNNER that was killed and the Driver is still alive!

That being said, I've taken the tire damage from Jeff, adjusted the internal damage to Billy and put Jeff where he is supposed to be.

Billy - look for a separate email with details on your internal damage... It was moot with your "driver only" dead, but that's not the case now. That also brings up another correction... Keeping the same rolls, you didn't spin out but instead rolled for a major fishtail. This is ignored as you were already skidding.

I've corrected the map to show Billy's proper placement as well as that of the Spikes.

Billy - if you Driver wants to have turned off the Spikes in phase 2, let me know.

So below is the corrected map. Please accept it and my apologies! Holding for Phase 3 combat from...


(Jeff - thanks for pointing out the error!)

Corrected items - T3P3 - Billy skids 1/4" to complete the moderate skid. He slows by 10 to 25 and each tire takes 1 point of damage. He moves straight 3/4" to finish the phase. He will perform a trivial skid on his next movement.

Jeff makes a D3 drift right instead of the D1 bend left. He does NOT get close enough to have a chance to hit the spikes.

Gate 1 - Roger BW - Dolichognatha - Compact, Electric PP, Driver Only, Laser front, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back, +2 Computer, +1 Gunner

Gate 2 - Rene - Leonato VII - Mid-Sized, Electric PP, Driver Only, 2 Rockets Front, Dropped Liquid Back, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back

Gate 3 - Randy - LiaTriNet - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver Only (Tovan), 2 Small Bore Front, Small Bore in Turret, Dropped Liquid Back, 4 tires, Guards Back

Gate 4 - Anthony - Hammer - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver and Gunner, Small Bore in Turret, 2 Small Bore Front, Dropped Gas Back, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back

Gate 5 - Jeff - Luxury, Electric PP, Driver and Gunner, 3 Rocket Launchers Front, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back

Gate 6 - Billy - The Worm - Luxury, Driver and Gunner (Gunner Dead), 2 Small Bore Front, Small Bore Left, Small Bore Right (destroyed), Spike Dropper Back, 4 tires, Guards Front and Back, Plastic armor, Right side armor breached

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

T3P3 movement concluded

First another correction - sorry - Phase 2 Combat - Billy's Spikes are still on auto, so one dropped...

T3P3 movement concluded

Rene moves straight
Billy spins 90 deg CCW and skids 1", slowing to 15
Jeff makes a D1 left bend, hitting Billy's spikes. His front left tire takes 6 points of damage, front right takes 6 points of damage, back left takes 6 points of damage and the back right takes 1 point of damage.
Roger makes a D3 drift right


Holding for...


T3P2 Combat

T3P2 Combat


(no reply from Rene)

Turn 3 Phase 3
Billy is OOC and maintains 35

Randy makes a D6 right bend. He needs a 4 to keep control - 5 - safe!
Anthony makes a D1 right bend.

Holding for movement from Rene

Monday, March 2, 2015

T3P2 - movement concluded

T3P2 - movement concluded

Anthony moves straight
Rene makes a D3 drift left
Billy starts his spinout, but since he's only moving 1/2" this phase he just skids 1/2"


Holding for...


Note - Jeff - I have your phase 3 maneuver noted. Now that Billy is a kill let me know if you want to change that..

Sunday, March 1, 2015

T3P1 - Combat correction

T3P1 - Combat correction

Jeff did in fact reply, but I had made an incorrect note. His gunner fired all three front RL's at Billy's right side. He needed a 5 to hit. First hit on a 3 5 for 3 6 damage. Second hit on a 6 2 for 5 3 damage. Right armor breached and damage went internal. The third hit on a 3 2 for 5 3 damage. This one took out the driver.

Billy's D2 hazard becomes a D5 instead. His Crash Table 2 roll becomes a 10 for a minor fishtail and roll again on Crash Table 1. This one is a 6 2 +2 = 10 for a spinout. Also an obstacle is dropped.

Still holding for Anthony to move or defer.

T3P1 Combat

T3P1 Combat

Billy drops more Spikes.

Roger fires his laser at Billy again, targeting the out of arc left side. He needs an 8 to hit and rolls a 6 2. Damage is 2 3 1.

Billy needs a 4 to keep control and rolls a 1. Crash Table roll is 2 5, -1 for difficulty. He's already skidding so this is ignored.

Jeff makes no reply.

Turn 3 Phase 2

Billy is OOC and maintains 35
Randy moves straight

Holding for Anthony to move or defer...